CUE: Yoga Nidra

After having my son at the beginning of 2020 and the shitstorm that followed, I took longer than expected to return to teaching and I wasn't 100% certain I would return. The identity shift from maiden to mother was a surprising struggle for me (more on that in the future).

With all forms of yoga, I have found them to wander into my perspective when I most needed them. Yoga Nidra did just that. During a period of my life where I was (and still am) feeling stretched quite thin, yearning for just a little bit more space and time for myself; Yoga Nidra has shown up with its abundance of rest, time, space and ease. 

I have always been into slower paced yoga, leaning heavily into gentle and restorative practices. Recently, I have been drawn into more philosophical teachings and very internal practices such as Yoga Nidra. 

What is Yoga Nidra you ask?

Yoga Nidra literally means Yoga Sleep. It is practiced laying down, so anyone can practice Yoga Nidra. It is a deeply restful and luxuriously spacious practice helping to reset the nervous system and perhaps any limiting beliefs. It is very helpful for those struggling with mental health, burn out, identify and perspective shifts and a life that runs a little too fast. Much like the way we move our bodies to keep them healthy, we must tend to our minds (and subtle bodies) with the same vigor. This is a guided practice.

I have had such a loving relationship with Nidra, I felt compelled to certify in it, so I did. I recently took Taryn Diamonds 20hr Yoga Nidra Training and WOW, so much inspiration!

I am a firm believer that the universe will provide. Although, in order to receive there has to be an openness, a desire to slow down and observe the subtle signs the universe is offering.


I will be hosting a 4 week introductory Yoga Nidra series. I am offering this as a hybrid series which means— if you like or need to leave your house, there are 12 spots available in the space. If you can’t or prefer to stay home, you 100% can practice from home. I will also be recording these sessions so if you sign up and miss any, you can practice at your own pace.

The series will run out of a space called The Schoolhouse Collingwood.

Monday’s March 6 - 27th
8:30p - 9:30p

*we will begin each class with a short discussion around What is Yoga Nidra, Intention setting and general community and life topics. The practice will likely begin around 8:45/9pm and last for approx. 30-40 minutes.


Feel free to email me with any questions or concerns at

I look forward to holding space for you.


My journey into Yoga..


I love to write but..